Overabundant milk supply? Read how new mum Natalie was supported by the Minbie Breast Pump
Natalie, mum to baby Luca, knew from the moment she switched from the pump she’d been loaned in hospital to the Minbie double breast pump, everything was going to be ok.

New mum Natalie was experiencing an overabundant milk supply, which although normal in the first few days, didn’t adjust to her baby’s needs as quickly as she was expecting. This meant she found herself having to unexpectedly pump excess milk in hospital.
Not having the Minbie breast pump on hand meant Natalie had to use the pump offered by the hospital. Sadly, she found it incredibly painful to use, and was disappointed at how ineffective it was, making pumping irritatingly time consuming. Thankfully when she got home Natalie invested in the Minbie hospital grade double breast pump, which turned out to be a godsend.
It’s true that lots of mamas struggle with their milk supply being too low for the needs of their baby, so an overproduction could sound like a dream. However, for mums like Natalie who produce too much milk, breastfeeding can be incredibly hard and cause some serious problems for mum and baby!
When mums have too much breastmilk their little one runs the risk of filling their tummy with the low fat, watery foremilk making them too full when it comes to the higher fat, nutrient rich hindmilk that truly satisfies their hunger. A baby who isn’t getting enough of the precious hindmilk may feed more often because they are not getting enough fat in the milk to be content to sleep for longer
An oversupply of breast milk may also mean a faster let-down reflex causing baby to struggle when feeding. They inevitably take in more air, can gag, choke and potentially suffer with colic and reflux. Some babies can even struggle to breathe when the let down reflex is too forceful. It can be a tricky and upsetting time for everyone.
Having too much milk is a problem for many new mums out there. If your baby isn’t able to empty your breasts sufficiently you need to give them a helping hand. This was the reason Natalie tuned to the Minbie Breast Pump. Baby Luca was struggling to empty Natalie's breasts and the only way to rectify this was to pump the remaining milk so that she could offer baby Luca the valuable hindmilk from a bottle
When you have very little choice but to pump your milk, the last thing any new Mama wants is to be in pain. With the real risk of mastitis, breast engorgement and sore nipples, mums who are overproducing milk need a pump they can rely on, and one that is incredibly gentle on their tender breast tissue. No one wants to feel dread as they reach for a painful pump.
We have worked hard at Minbie to create a comfortable, portable and efficient pump that mums could rely on whether they’re at home or on the go! A pump carefully designed with you in mind. We have removed discomfort from your pumping routine with our soft flexible silicone cups and easy to use functions, giving you the freedom to select a suction level that best suits your body.
Natalie, just like other Minbie mums, told us that she loves the freedom and flexibility that the Minbie breast pump has given her. She has been able to protect her breastfeeding journey, work through her milk supply hiccups and continue to pump as and when she or dad would like to offer Luca a bottle. Minbie mums have more freedom and more choice when it comes to feeding their babies.
Simple ways to be more comfortable if you're producing too much milk.
- A well fitting nursing bra is an absolute must for overfull breasts. The better you’re supported the more comfortable you’ll feel. Make sure you speak to an expert and get a proper fitting done to ensure the most comfort and support.
- When your breasts are too full and you’re feeling uncomfortable you may need to remove some breast milk. It’s incredibly important that you only express enough to relieve the discomfort and don't drain your breasts of milk. If you pump too much you run the risk of increasing your milk production.
- When you are feeling really uncomfortable, it can help to place cold compresses or even soaked and refrigerated cabbage leaves on your breasts. This will reduce the pain and has been proven to decrease milk supply too.
- Talking to your doctor about the possibility of using medication to reduce your milk supply is something that you can consider. They will be able to talk you through your options and ensure that you don’t decrease your supply so much that there is nothing left for your little one!
- Remember that pumped breastmilk can be frozen and stored for 3 to 6 months and used at a later date. (Don't forget to mark the date and time of expression on the bottle.)This can be really handy to have on hand for when someone else is looking after your baby or perhaps at times when you're not well and have to take medicine that won’t agree with your baby!
Peace of mind expressing
The main reason mums look to Minbie for breastfeeding support, is that our products have been designed by mums who have been there and know exactly what you need! We understand the importance of soft silicone cups that gently and securely fix to your breast without damaging your tender skin. We know how important it is for our breast pump to mimic babies’ natural sucking rhythms in order to build and maintain milk production to protect your breastfeeding relationship. Natalie chose our pump because of these features along with the 12 levels of strength that gave her the freedom to choose what suited her best.
The ability to express just the right amount of milk in more comfort and less time makes this one of the best pumps around for every mum!!