We love these dummies!
my son struggled to take a dummy, being breastfed, and having a very slight tongue tie, but he took this right away. he had no problem at all! he loves them! they are well made and come in a fab little case. love the colour too. top marks from us!
calms & soothes our son
after trying 5 different dummies over the first two months of life, our sixth brand was the winner! our little guy loves his minbie dummy. it helps calm and soothe him especially when we are traveling in the car.
super soft
i’ve used the minbie dummy for a while and i can say it’s every mom’s essential for their little ones. It’s super soft, fits into baby’s mouth perfectly and helps calm my baby.
unique shape offers better protection of bub’s developing jaw and gums.
enhances your rest by creating more seamless transitions between breast and dummy.
keeps bub safe with no hidden corners for germs to hide.
sleep deprived? well now you can safely put a stop to suckling your little one to sleep when you’re in desperate need of sleep yourself. whilst bub is soothing themselves to sleep with the minbie dummy they’re gently strengthening their feeding motion against reflux protecting your breastfeeding bond.
made from 100% hypoallergenic silicone. no plastic, no toxins!
elise shows how using the Minbie dummy calms her baby